Thoughts from Oliver

Oliver sailing during opti camp in Toronto Harbour last summer.

We rounded up some new contributors for the blog today! In an effort to make sure we’re documenting our trip from all perspectives, I’m interviewing seven-year-old Oliver to find out what he’s thinking about this adventure we’re about to embark on. You can listen or just read my rough transcript.

My interview with Oliver, June 2, Toronto Islands

Mom: Oliver, what are you most excited about for our trip?

Oliver: Seeing river cruise ships on the Erie Canal. Seeing the tank museum at the Smithsonian, since I’m very interested in war. Seeing rockets launch off.

Mom: At Cape Canaveral? That would be exciting for sure. What are you most nervous about? Is there anything you’re nervous about, or anxious about?

Oliver: Hmmmm. Well. I don’t really know.

Mom: You’re feeling pretty good about it? You’re feeling pretty good today about leaving?

Oliver: Mmhmm.

Mom: What are you going to miss?

Oliver: Our house. And my friends.

Mom: Do you like living on the boat?

Oliver: Yes.

Mom: But you like living at the house too?

Oliver: Mmhmm.

Mom: How are you going to keep in touch with your friends? What are we going to do?

Oliver: Do video chats. And maybe do some video games together…

Mom: I like how you slide that one in there!

Oliver: And that’s all.

Mom: Okay. Do you think you’re going to make new friends?

Oliver: Mmhmm.

Mom: Are you excited about that?

Oliver: Mmhmm.

Mom: Anything else you’re thinking or feeling today or are excited about? About how you’re feeling about the trip?

Oliver: At the Smithsonian, there is Space Camps, where you get to learn about space. And so I’m excited to see if I can go to one of those.

Mom: Ok, we’ll have to research that, we’ll have to look it up and see if the timing is right.

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